We can implement the binary tree using C so that we can add a node, delete a node, and can perform different tree traversals:
1. Preorder tree traversal
2. Inorder tree traversal
3. Post order tree traversal
/// ..............................................BINARY TREE OPERATIONS AND TREE TRAVERSALS #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<malloc.h> ///.................................................................DYNAMIC STRUCTURE FOR BINARY TREE struct tree { int info; struct tree *left_subtree; struct tree *right_subtree; }; ///...................................................................GLOBAL FUNCTIONS DECLARATIONS struct tree* make_tree(); struct tree* delete_node(struct tree*,int); void insert_node(struct tree *); void preorder(struct tree *); void inorder(struct tree *); void postorder(struct tree *); ///....................................................................MAIN FUNCTION int main() { struct tree *p_tree,*t; int choice,del_item; printf("\n\t_____________________________****OPERATIONS ON BINARY TREE AND TREE TRAVERSALS****_____________________________\n\n"); printf("\n1. INSERTION"); printf("\n2. dELETION"); printf("\n3. PRE-ORdER TRAVERSAL"); printf("\n4. IN-ORdER TRAVERSAL"); printf("\n5. POST-ORdER TRAVERSAL"); printf("\n6. EXIT FROM MENU\n"); p_tree = NULL; do { printf("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tEnter Choice: "); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) { case 1: ///.........................................................INSERTION if(p_tree == NULL) p_tree = make_tree(); else insert_node(p_tree); break; case 2: ///..................................................... ..DELETION if(p_tree == NULL) printf("Binary Tree Empty......."); else { printf("Enter info to delete:"); scanf("%d",&del_item); if(p_tree->left_subtree == NULL && p_tree->right_subtree == NULL && p_tree->info == del_item) { t = p_tree; p_tree = NULL; free(t); } else p_tree = delete_node(p_tree,del_item); } break; case 3:/// ......................................................PRE-ORdER TRAVERSAL printf("\n\n\tPRE-ORdER TRAVERSAL :\n\t\t\t\t"); if(p_tree == NULL) printf("\nBinary Tree Empty....\n"); else preorder(p_tree); break; case 4:///..................................................... IN-ORdER TRAVERSAL printf("\n\n\tIN-ORdER TRAVERSAL :\n\t\t\t\t"); if(p_tree == NULL) printf("\nBinary Tree Empty....\n"); else inorder(p_tree); break; case 5:///...................................................... POST-ORdER TRAVERSAL printf("\n\n\tPOST-ORdER TRAVERSAL :\n\t\t\t\t"); if(p_tree == NULL) printf("\nBinary Tree Empty....\n"); else postorder(p_tree); break; case 6: ///...................................................... TO EXIT exit(0); default:///........................................................dEFAULT CASE printf("\n\tPlease,Enter the choice lying among 1 to 4 .\n"); } }while(1); getch(); return 0; } struct tree* make_tree() ///..................................ALLOCATES A NOdE & SETS IT AS A ROOT OF THE TREE { struct tree * p_tree; p_tree =(struct tree*)malloc(sizeof(struct tree)); printf("\n\t\tEnter info: "); scanf("%d",&p_tree->info); p_tree->left_subtree = NULL; p_tree->right_subtree = NULL; return p_tree; } void insert_node(struct tree *p_tree) ///.............................ALLOWS INSERTION OF A NOdE { struct tree *t,*n; t = p_tree; n =(struct tree *)malloc(sizeof(struct tree)); printf("\n\t\tEnter info: "); scanf("%d",&n->info); n->left_subtree = NULL; n->right_subtree = NULL; while(t->left_subtree != NULL || t->right_subtree != NULL) { if(t->left_subtree != NULL) if(n->info < t->info) t = t->left_subtree; if(t->right_subtree != NULL) if(n->info>= t->info) t = t->right_subtree; if((t->left_subtree == NULL) && (n->info < t->info) && (n->info <t->right_subtree->info)) break; if((t->right_subtree == NULL) && (n->info >= t->info) && (n->info >t->left_subtree->info)) break; } if((n->info < t->info) && (t->left_subtree == NULL)) t->left_subtree=n; if((n->info > t->info) && (t->right_subtree == NULL)) t->right_subtree = n; } void inorder(struct tree * p_tree) ///..................................................ALLOWS IN-ORDER TRAVERSAL { //printf("\n\t\t"); if(p_tree != NULL) { inorder(p_tree->left_subtree); printf("%d ",p_tree->info); inorder(p_tree->right_subtree); } } void preorder(struct tree *p_tree) ///..................................................ALLOWS PRE-ORDER TRAVERSAL { //printf("\n\t\t"); if(p_tree != NULL) { printf("%d ",p_tree->info); preorder(p_tree->left_subtree); preorder(p_tree->right_subtree); } } void postorder(struct tree *p_tree) ///.................................................ALLOWS POST - ORDER TRAVERSAL { //printf("\n\t\t"); if(p_tree != NULL) { postorder(p_tree->left_subtree); postorder(p_tree->right_subtree); printf("%d ",p_tree->info); } } struct tree * delete_node(struct tree *p_tree,int d) ///................................ALLOWS DELETION OF A NODE { int f = 0,f1 = 0; struct tree *p,*t,*t1,*x; t = p_tree; //to search found or not while(t != NULL) { if(t->info == d) { f = 1; x = t; break; } if(t->info > d) { p = t; t = t->left_subtree; } else if(t->info <= d) { p = t; t = t->right_subtree; } } if(f == 0) { printf("\nThe entered element not found.......\n"); return p_tree; } ///........................................................................if the node to be deleted has no sub-tree if(x->left_subtree == NULL && x->right_subtree == NULL) { if(p->right_subtree == x) p->right_subtree = NULL; else p->left_subtree = NULL; free(x); return p_tree; } ///......................................................................if the node to be deleted has left & right sub-trees if(x->left_subtree != NULL && x->right_subtree != NULL) { p = x; t1 = x->right_subtree; while(t1->left_subtree != NULL) { p = t1; f1 = 1; t1 = t1->left_subtree; } if(t1->left_subtree == NULL && t1->right_subtree == NULL) { x->info = t1->info; if(f1 == 1) p->left_subtree = t1->left_subtree; if(f1 == 0) x->right_subtree = t1->right_subtree; free(t1); return p_tree; } if(t1->right_subtree != NULL) { x->info = t1->info; if(f1 == 1) p->left_subtree = t1->right_subtree; if(f1 == 0) p->right_subtree = t1->right_subtree; free(t1); return p_tree; } } ///..........................................................................if the node to be deleted has oniy right sub-tree if(x->left_subtree == NULL && x->right_subtree != NULL && x->info!= p_tree->info) { if(p->left_subtree == x) p->left_subtree = x->right_subtree; else p->right_subtree = x->right_subtree; free(x); return p_tree; } ///........................................................................if the node to be deleted has oniy left sub-tree if(x->left_subtree != NULL && x->right_subtree == NULL && x->info != p_tree->info) { if(p->left_subtree == x) p->left_subtree = x->left_subtree; else p->right_subtree = x->left_subtree; free(x); return p_tree; } if(x->left_subtree != NULL && x->right_subtree == NULL && x->info == p_tree->info) { p_tree = x->left_subtree; free(p); return p_tree; } if(x->left_subtree == NULL && x->right_subtree != NULL && x->info == p_tree->info) { p_tree = x->right_subtree; free(p); return p_tree; } }
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